英語部 Halloween Party
What`s October without some Halloween Fun!
On October 27th, 2017 we had our English Halloween party. The students were engaged in different activities that require them to be guided to a `Black Cat` to pin on the missing tail. The instructions were given in English (Go straight, turn right, turn left). The students also tried to feel different objects in a `Secret Box` then guess what the objects are. The students were engaged in different games and then we watched a scary movie together. Arguably, the most important thing for the students was `Trick and Treating.` The students were presented with small packages of candies to conclude our Halloween party. We asked the students about the events and they all reported that they enjoyed themselves.
Happy Halloween!
“Snakes?” “I don’t know, but it’s so cold.”などいろいろな意見がでましたが、中に入っていたのは冷えたパスタです。
“If you have the force, you can solve a puzzle. May the force be with you! ”
“Turn right!” “Go straight!”などの声で絵を完成させました。
Trick or Treat!
Last Friday, the English Club movie buffs (=fans) had frightening Halloween fun. There were terrible tricks and terrific treats! Students sank their fangs into games, such as: the Goo Box, the Ping-pong Pit, the Cat’s Tale and Monster Puzzles. Then they shivered and shrieked at a scary movie. At the end, there was even a boss battle between Yagami Raito and a Sith. The teachers are looking forward to a crazy Christmas. Join the club!
文責:Kinsella, Carter, Ito