Global Open Day グローバルオープンデーを行いました
On Saturday, October 26, students in the Global Course got some wonderful hands-on experience with other cultures as part of our first ever Global Open Day.
Five special guests visited the school and, together with teachers in our Global department and a few parents, put on several different workshops for the students.
Mr. Palash Barua, originally from Bangladesh, taught the students cricket along with Kaiseikan’s own Mr. Pearson. The students enjoyed playing this exciting sport popular in the Indian subcontinent, Australasia, the United Kingdom, southern Africa and the West Indies.
Ms. Kiwako Aoshima, along with two fellow musicians, introduced the students to steelpans, the unique percussion instruments that originated in Trinidad and Tobago. The students had a lot of fun learning to play some famous songs.
Ms. Pham Le Vi, a Vietnamese citizen who grew up in Singapore, taught the students some interesting Singlish vocabulary. This multicultural Creole language is made up of English, Malay, Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese and Tamil words.
Other teachers in the Global department got in on the action, with Mr. Kageyama and Mr. Maldonado introducing the students to various musical instruments from around the world, including Mongolia’s famous morin khuur horsehead fiddle.
Finally, Kaiseikan’s own Mr. Carter, who originally hails from Jamaica, enlisted the help of several students in preparing some delicious cuisine from his home country. Thanks to their hard work, everyone ended the day with a smile on their face and a full stomach.
1.ワールドミュージック World Music feat. Ramon and Kageyama
2.スティールパンの演奏 Play the Steel Pan
3.シングリッシュを話そう! Shinglish Lesson
4.クリケットをしよう! Hit For Six
5.ジャマイカ料理 第2弾 Mr. Carter’s Cooking Part 2