【中3グローバル】オーストラリア研修旅行⑦ Feb 5
Today the students studied about Australian geography. They arrange the states of Australia create a map of Australia. The students then wrote the names of the states and the capital of each states. Generally the students have adjusted to the routine at school and speaking with their host families they have also settled well at home.
I sometimes do not understand what the teacher says in class. I sometimes feel sleepy after having morning tea. I want to become better at listening and understanding the teacher more. (By S.H)
I have become adjusted to the daily life at school. The time at school is spent comfortably. I will take care of my health. I need to think more about my daily life in Australia. (By S.N)
Today we danced in class. Lunch was very delicious with noodles and potatoes. Also, it was good to talk slowly with friends. (By A.S)